
Pebble Rug

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Pebble Rug has a diverse and tactile surface, inspired by the sensuous feeling of walking across a pebbled beach.

With a handwoven structure, Pebble Rug contrasts the materials of its soft, woolen loops with its sturdy canvas base in a cooling jute yarn.

Pebble Rug has a distinct and modern woven texture for any home, hospitality setting, lobby, hotel space or co-working area.

"Margrethe Odgaard is a strong figure in the new generation of textile designers in Denmark. After her graduation in 2005, she worked as a textile designer in Philadelphia, and later in Paris, before setting up her own design studio in Copenhagen in 2013. She has received both national and international awards and recognition for her work with textiles, colours and patterns."


Pebble Rug is made from 60% wool and 40% jute fibers, both natural materials that are easy to clean and preserve.
The rug comes with a canvas backing pasted with synthetic latex which ensures that the rug lays smoothly on the floor.


 Muuto - Peeble Rug Fact Sheet (275kb)  Muuto - Peeble Rug Fact Sheet (275kb)

Brand: Muuto

Designer: Margrethe Odgaard

Muuto - Finding Home