We use your feedback on surveys to determine how we can improve our service to you in the future.

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

First Name
E-mail Address
Contact Number
Company Name

Project Name / Reference
Please rate the below questions from a scale of 1-10 (1= Sufficient, 10= Exeptional)
01. What is your overall assessment of the outcome of this project?

02. How well were your expectations met regarding the frequency and content of information that was conveyed to you by the Project Manager?
03. How effectively were issues able to be managed and resolved without impacting the Project Schedule or Budget?
04. How well were your expectations met regarding the extent of your involvement in the project (effort, time, commitments, etc.)?
05. What on the project worked well and was effective in the delivery of the project?
TestimonialPlease provide a testimonial about your experience or add any additional comments below
I consent to the use of my testimonial on your website and social media platforms.
I consent to the use of site images on your website and social media platforms.

Find us

Come and see us at
Level 2, 165 The Strand,
Parnell, Auckland

Call 0800 UNISON (09 972 2493)
Email sales@unisonworkspaces.co.nz